We also believe that optimal health is not the absence of disease. We know that childhood health sets the foundation for chronic diseases later on in life, which is why we practice proactive, personalized medicine. Rather than the once-a-year snapshot of your child’s health, our practice offers in-depth care for your child. Living Water Pediatrics is committed to partnering with families to customize treatment plans to fit the unique needs of your child. We keep our practice small, so that we can provide a level of personalized care that is not possible in today’s large, busy pediatric practices.
We pass this cost savings onto your family, so that you receive high value services with our memberships.
We feel that the decision to vaccinate is not only a public health issue, but it is also a personal decision for each family. Additionally, our practice feels that a child should not be left without a pediatrician as a result of their parents’ personal beliefs.
Please contact us to learn more about our practice and to schedule your free consultation today!